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Harnessing the Power of Learning Management Systems With an Educational Leadership Doctorate

Technology has continuously transformed learning, particularly with the rise of e-learning resources in recent years. More and more students take courses or certifications online for a wide range of degrees and subject matter. K-12 students likewise benefit from additional tech resources in the classroom and at home.

The educational technology field is an exciting, burgeoning opportunity for those interested in curriculum design, education and technology. A degree like the online Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership – Digital Instruction and Distance Learning program from St. Thomas University (STU) prepares graduates for work in this space.

Overview of Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Learning management systems (LMS) are applications that allow for online learning programs that track educational initiatives for in-person study. While many students, teachers and parents had to rapidly adjust to life with LMS during school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, LMS have been around for a long time. These systems prove useful to students and educators through a variety of applications.

Educational leaders can also harness the power of LMS to aid student success. Future instructional designers, distance learning instructors, educational managers, teachers and professors may all benefit from a specific course of study to learn LMS tools inside and out, such as what STU’s program provides.

Enhanced Student Engagement Through Interactive Resources

Many education experts have spoken to the power and possibility of LMS. Training Folks refer to it as a “pivotal driver of change, propelling education into an era brimming with unparalleled opportunities — the future of education.”

Training Folks points out several reasons why educators cannot ignore the applications of LMS in educational settings. LMS are powerful due to their flexibility, accessibility, capacity for personalization, interactivity and engagement, collaborative nature, and insights informed by data. LMS enable “synchronous” learning, digital learning that works alongside in-person study. Finally, LMS are resource repositories, making them an even more valuable tool for organizing, distributing and tracking education pathways.

Customizing Differentiated Instruction

Stefani Pautz Stephenson, lead author of a study on educational leadership and virtual learning environments, recently spoke to the Wallace Foundation about the study’s findings. When asked what leaders can do to use digital learning tools effectively, Stephenson said clear expectations are key.

She explained, “As with any technology adoption, there will be innovators and early adopters who embrace it and want to use it to its fullest potential … It has to be clear that it’s not an add-on. Then, it’s critical to provide ongoing, growth-oriented feedback and to make professional learning and coaching readily available.” Her answer points to the idea that technology can and should be fully integrated into the learning process to make the most of its potential and to help educators adapt to tools that might be unfamiliar.

Another positive impact of integrating LMS into existing education is the opportunity it provides for customizing instruction for students who need different types of support. An LMS allows students to review modules or access additional resources for challenging modules and help prevent them from falling behind.

Importance of Assessing Organizational Needs and Infrastructure

As evidenced by this comprehensive list and analysis from Sertifier, there are many developed LMS educators who can harness it for various purposes. Popular platforms include Udemy, Skillshare, and Teachable, but dozens of others have special features and customization options.

It is up to educational leaders and administrators to work with educators and assess student needs to find the perfect LMS. One aspect that can help in this decision is how well these systems report back data. For example, Channell Walker explains that data-driven insights are a powerful advantage of working with this technology: “LMS provide analytics tools that allow educators to track student progress, see which areas students struggle with, and identify patterns. This helps educators intervene early and provide students with the support they need to succeed.”

Leadership’s Evolving Role in Educational Technology Integration

Using LMS in the classroom is a powerful tool with great potential for student success. However, the effectiveness of those tools depends on how they are integrated. Educational leaders must be informed to make good choices about LMS and to support educators in using them.

This is why STU’s online Ed.D. in Educational Leadership – Digital Instruction and Distance Learning program focuses on these issues to give graduates expertise relevant to their careers. Courses like Foundations of Digital Education and Instruction and Digital Literacy & Citizen provide specialized insights that translate to student and educator success in e-learning environments.

Learn more about STU’s online Ed.D. in Educational Leadership – Digital Instruction and Distance Learning program.

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